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Search Screen


SearchFeed displays a feed screen with an input box and a list of posts that are fetched based on the given search query.



Below are the callback props available for SearchFeed, allowing you to handle interactions within the feed.

  • postLikeHandlerProp: Triggered when a post is liked, receiving the id of the post.
  • savePostHandlerProp: Triggered when a post is saved or unsaved, with id and an optional saved boolean to indicate save state.
  • selectPinPostProp: Triggered to pin or unpin a post, receiving id and pinned status.
  • selectEditPostProp: Allows editing of a post, receiving id and post data.
  • onSelectCommentCountProp: Triggered on comment count tap, receiving the post id.
  • onTapLikeCountProps: Triggered when the like count is tapped, receiving the post id.
  • handleDeletePostProps: Allows deletion of a post, with visible and postId parameters.
  • handleReportPostProps: Handles reporting of a post, receiving the post id.
  • newPostButtonClickProps: Custom action for the new post button click.
  • onOverlayMenuClickProp: Custom action for overlay menu clicks, receiving event data, menu items, and the post id.
  • onSharePostClicked: Handles post sharing, receiving the post id.
  • onSubmitButtonClicked: Custom action for poll submission.
  • onAddPollOptionsClicked: Custom action for adding poll options.
  • onPollOptionClicked: Custom action when a poll option is clicked.
  • onBackArrowPressProp: Custom action when back arrow is pressed.
  • onCrossPressProp: Custom action when clear input text icon is pressed.

For information about more callbacks, click here.

Customisation with Props

isHeadingEnabledbooleanEnables or disables the heading display.✔️
isTopResponsebooleanShows the top response if set to true.
hideTopicsViewbooleanHides the topics view on the feed screen if set to true.
lmPostCustomFooterJSXCustom Footer Component.
customWidgetPostViewJSXCustom Post Component to be displayed in post list

Customization with Styles

placeholderTextstringText to display when the input is empty.
placeholderTextColorstringColor of the placeholder text.
searchQueryTextStyleTextStyleStyle for the search query text.
inputBoxStyleViewStyleStyle for the input box container.
crossIconStyleLMIconPropsStyle for the cross (clear) icon.
backIconStyleLMIconPropsStyle for the back navigation icon.
listEmptyStyleobjectStyles for the empty list state.
listEmptyTextStyleTextStyleStyle for the empty list text.
listEmptyImageStyleLMIconPropsStyle for the empty list image/icon.

Usage Example

Step 1: Create Custom Screen and Wrapper

  • In your app, create a CustomSearchFeed file which will wrap the SearchFeed within the SearchedPostListContextProvider so that the callbacks becomes accessible inside of the SearchFeed.
  • Create SearchFeedStyles for customisation and call the setSearchFeedStyles to set the customisation.
import {
} from "";
import STYLES from "";

const CustomSearchFeed = ({ navigation, route }) => {
const {
} = useSearchedPostListContext();

const customPostLike = (postId) => {
console.log("before like ");
console.log("after like", postId);
const customPostSave = (postId, saved) => {
console.log("before save");
savePostHandler(postId, saved);
console.log("after save", postId, saved);
const customHandleEdit = (postId, post) => {
console.log("before edit select", post);
handleEditPost(postId, post);
console.log("after edit select", postId);
const customHandlePin = (postId, pinned) => {
console.log("before pin select");
handlePinPost(postId, pinned);
console.log("after pin select", postId, pinned);

const searchFeedStyles = {
crossIconStyle: {
height: 20,
width: 20,
color: "blue",
assetPath: require("./gallery_icon3x.png"),
backIconStyle: {
color: "red",
assetPath: require("./gallery_icon3x.png"),
placeholderText: "PLACEHOLDER...",
placeholderTextColor: "grey",
searchQueryTextStyle: {
color: "red",


return (
postLikeHandlerProp={(id) => customPostLike(id)}
savePostHandlerProp={(id, saved) => customPostSave(id, saved)}
selectEditPostProp={(id, post) => customHandleEdit(id, post)}
selectPinPostProp={(id, pinned) => customHandlePin(id, pinned)}

export default CustomSearchFeed;

Step 2: Add the Custom Screen in App.tsx

  • In your App.tsx, create a Stack.Navigator in the NavigationContainer wrapped by LMOverlayProvider.
  • Add SearchFeedScreenWrapper as a Stack screen in your NavigationContainer.
import {
} from "";
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from "@react-navigation/native-stack";
import SearchFeedScreenWrapper from "<<path_to_SearchFeedScreenWrapper.tsx>>";

export const App = () => {
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();
return (
myClient={myClient} // pass in the LMFeedClient created
apiKey={apiKey} // pass in the API Key generated
userName={userName} // pass in the logged-in user's name
userUniqueId={userUniqueID} // pass in the logged-in user's uuid
<NavigationContainer ref={navigationRef} independent={true}>
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: true }}>