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Like List


The LMFeedLikeListScreen is designed to present a list of users who have liked a specific post/comment. It displays the user images along with their names and a custom title (if available), and provides a count of the total number of likes for the post.


UI Components

Data Variables

  • totalLikes: Stores the total number of likes conforming to number datatype.
  • postLike: Stores the likes on a particular post conforming to [].


  • onTapUserItemProp: Triggered when a user item is tapped. Provides the LMUserUI object of the tapped user.
  • handleScreenBackPressProp: Triggered when the back button is pressed on the screen.


The STYLES class allows you to customize the appearance of the LMPostContent. You can set the styles in postLikesListStyle in STYLES.

screenHeaderLMHeaderPropsThe header component for the screen.
likeListItemStyleViewStyleStyle for each like list item.
userNameTextStyleTextStyleStyle for the user's name text.
userDesignationTextStyleTextStyleStyle for the user's designation text.

For member's profile picture, the customisation is done using profilePicture in header of postListStyle

Usage Example

Step 1: Create Custom Screen and Wrapper

  • In your app, create a LikesScreenWrapper file which will wrap the LikesScreen within the PostLikesListContextProvider so that the callbacks becomes accessible inside of the LikesScreen.
  • Create postLikesListStyles for customisation and call the setPostLikesListStyles to set the customisation.
import {
} from "";

const LikesScreen = ({ route }) => {
const { navigation, handleScreenBackPress } = usePostLikesListContext();

// customised handleScreenBackPress callback
const customBackHandler = () => {
console.log("do something before back click");
console.log("do something after back click");

const postLikesListStyles = {
userNameTextStyle: {
color: "green",
userDesignationTextStyle: {
color: "red",

// like list screen customisation
if (postLikesListStyles) {
return (
handleScreenBackPressProp={() => customBackHandler()}

export default LikesScreen;

Step 2: Add the Custom Screen in App.tsx

  • In your App.tsx, create a Stack.Navigatorin the NavigationContainer wrapped by LMOverlayProvider.
  • Add LikesScreenWrapper as a Stack screen in your NavigationContainer.
import {
} from "";
import LikesScreenWrapper from "<<path_to_LikesScreenWrapper.tsx>>";
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from "@react-navigation/native-stack";

export const App = () => {
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();
return (
myClient={myClient} // pass in the LMFeedClient created
apiKey={apiKey} // pass in the API Key generated
userName={userName} // pass in the logged-in user's name
userUniqueId={userUniqueID} // pass in the logged-in user's uuid
<NavigationContainer ref={navigationRef} independent={true}>
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
<Stack.Screen name={POST_LIKES_LIST} component={LikesScreenWrapper} />