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Feed Analytics Events

The SDK has in built analytics events that are trigged for the below listed events. You can track those using tools like Segment, Mixpanel, Clevertap etc. You can find the classes to extend to leverage the events in the following tech stack:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Flutter

We are working on implementing analytics for React Native and ReactJS


The event name would be prefixed as LM_EventName

Event NameEvent CategoryEvent DescriptionEvent Properties
Notification ClickedNotificationuser taps on the bell icon and lands on the notification page-
Notification RecievedNotificationNotification recieved by user device-
Post creation startedFeeduser clicks on "New Post" CTApost_id
Clicked on AttachmentFeedUser clicks on any option to attach attachments in postpost_id
type (photo, video, file)
User tagged in a postFeedUser tags another user while creating the posttagged_user_id
Link attached in the postFeedUser attaches a link to the postlink
Image attached to postFeedUser attaches an image to the postimage_count (in case of multiple images attached)
Video attached to postFeedUser attaches a video to the postvideo_count (in case of multiple videos attached)
Document attached in postFeedUser attaches a file to the post- document_count (in case of multiple documents attached)
- post_id
Post creation completedFeedUser clicks on "Post" after completing the post creation- user_tagged (yes, no)
- tagged_users_count
- link_attached (yes, no)
- link
- image_attached (yes, no)
- image_count
- video_attached (yes, no)
- video_count
- document_attached (yes, no)
- document_count
Post pinnedFeedCM pins a post by choosing "Pin this post" from the menu- created_by_id (ID of the user who created the post)
- post_id
- post_type (text, image, video, document, link)
Post unpinnedFeedCM unpins a post by choosing "Unpin this post" from the menu- created_by_id (ID of the user who created the post)
- post_id
- post_type (text, image, video, document, link)
Post editedFeedUser selects "Edit" from the post menu- created_by_id (ID of the user who created the post)
- post_id
- post_type (text, image, video, document, link)
Post reportedFeedUser selects a report from the post menu- created_by_id (ID of the user who created the post)
- post_id
- report_reason (nudity, inappropriate_language, hate_speech, terrorism, spam, others)
- post_type (text, image, video, document, link)
Post deletedFeedUser deletes a post created by them or CM deletes a post- user_state (member, CM)
- user_id (ID of the user who created the post if CM deletes it)
- post_id
- post_type (text, image, video, document, link)
Feed openedFeedUser lands on the feed screenfeed_type (universal_feed, following_feed)
Like list openFeedUser taps on the like count and views the list of userspost_id
Comment list openFeedUser taps on "Comments" and views the comments on the postpost_id
Comment deletedFeedPost creator deletes a comment- post_id
- comment_id
Comment reportedFeedPost creator reports a comment- post_id
- user_id (ID of the user whose comment is being reported)
- comment_id
- reason (nudity, inappropriate_language, hate_speech, terrorism, spam, others)
Comment postedFeedUser adds comments to a postpost_id
Reply postedFeedUser adds a reply to a comment- user_id (ID of the user whose comment is being replied)
- post_id
- comment_id
- comment_reply_id
Reply deletedFeedPost creator deletes a reply- post_id
- comment_id
- comment_reply_id
Reply reportedFeedPost creator reports a reply- post_id
- comment_id
- comment_reply_id
- user_id (ID of the user whose comment reply is being reported)
- reason (nudity, inappropriate_language, hate_speech, terrorism, spam, others)