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Detailed Overview of Theme Styles

The LMFeedTheme class allows you to customize various aspects of the LikeMinds Feed SDK's UI. By defining properties in the LMFeedTheme class, you can control the appearance of all UI widgets to ensure a consistent theme throughout your application.

Types for LMFeedTheme:

class LMFeedTheme {
public $IS_DARK_THEME: boolean;
public $HUE: number;
public $COLORS: {
PRIMARY: string;
SECONDARY: string;
public $FONT_TYPES: {
LIGHT?: string;
MEDIUM?: string;
SEMI_BOLD?: string;
BOLD?: string;
BLACK?: string;
LIGHT?: string;
DARK?: string;
public $TEXT_COLOR: {
public $LMLoaderSizeiOS: number;
public $LMLoaderSizeAndroid: number;

public $POLL_STYLE: PollStyle;
public $UNIVERSAL_FEED_STYLE: UniversalFeedStyleProps;
public $POST_LIST_STYLE: PostListStyleProps;
public $LOADER_STYLE: LoaderStyleProps;
public $POST_DETAIL_STYLE: PostDetailStyleProps;
public $CREATE_POST_STYLE: CreatePostStyleProps;
public $POST_LIKES_LIST_STYLE: PostLikesListStyleProps;
public $NOTIFICATION_FEED_STYLE: NotificationFeedStyleProps;
public $TOPICS_STYLE: TopicsStyle;
public $CAROUSEL_SCREEN_STYLE: CarouselScreenStyle;
public $CREATE_POLL_STYLE: CreatePollStyle;
public $USER_ONBOARDING_SCREEN_STYLES: UserOnboardingStylesProps
public $SEARCH_FEED_STYLES: SearchFeedStyleProps
public $UPLOADING_HEADER_STYLES: UploadingHeaderStylesProps


Color & Font Properties:

  • $IS_DARK_THEME: Sets the theme light or dark.
  • $HUE: Sets the hue of the maintain consistency across the app.
  • $COLORS: Sets the primary color, secondary color and primary font color.
  • $FONT_TYPES: Sets the font across the app.
  • $BACKGROUND_COLORS: Defines the custom background color in dark and light themes.
  • $TEXT_COLOR: Sets the primary and secondary text color in light and dark themes.

Size Properties:

  • $LMLoaderSizeiOS: Defines the size of the loader on iOS.
  • $LMLoaderSizeAndroid: Defines the size of the loader on iOS.

Screens Properties:

  • $POLL_STYLE: Customizes the style of Poll Component.
  • $UNIVERSAL_FEED_STYLE: Customizes the style of Universal Feed Screen.
  • $POST_LIST_STYLE: Customizes the style of posts, further you can customize post header, footer, postContent and media.
  • $LOADER_STYLE: Defines the size and color of the loader across the app.
  • $POST_DETAIL_STYLE: Customizes the style of post detail screen.
  • $CREATE_POST_STYLE: Customizes the style of create post screen.
  • $POST_LIKES_LIST_STYLE: Customizes the style of post likes list screen.
  • $NOTIFICATION_FEED_STYLE: Customizes the style of notification feed screen.
  • $TOPICS_STYLE: Sets the style for topics in posts.
  • $CAROUSEL_SCREEN_STYLE: Customizes the style of carousel screen.
  • $CREATE_POLL_STYLE: Customizes the style of create poll screen.
  • $USER_ONBOARDING_SCREEN_STYLES: Customizes the style of user onboarding screen.
  • $SEARCH_FEED_STYLES: Customizes style for search feed screen.
  • $UPLOADING_HEADER_STYLES: Customizes style for the uploading header.

Applying Custom Themes in Your Application

In this example, LMFeedTheme is configured using the STYLES

import STYLES from "";

const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
// to set theme
hue: 18,
isDarkTheme: true,
primaryColor: "#d26232",
secondaryColor: "hsl(18, 47%, 31%)",

// to change font
fontTypes: {
fontFamilyLight: "Montserrat-Light",
fontFamilyMedium: "Montserrat-Medium",
fontFamilySemiBold: "Montserrat-SemiBold",
fontFamilyBold: "Montserrat-Bold",
fontFamilyBlack: "Montserrat-Black",

// for custom primary font color across the app
fontColor: "hsl(18, 75%, 59%)",

// for custom text color in dark theme or light theme
primaryDarkTextColor: "#ffffff",
secondaryDarkTextColor: "grey",
primaryLightTextColor: "#000000",
secondaryLightTextColor: "grey",

// for custom theme background color
darkThemeBackgroundColor: "#000000",
lightThemeBackgroundColor: "#ffffff",

// for custom modal color in dark theme
darkTransparentBackgroundColor: "#00000088",

// to set post list styles
header: {
profilePicture: {
size: 40,
profilePictureStyle: {
borderRadius: 20,
fallbackTextStyle: {
color: "#888888",
fontSize: 14,
titleText: {
color: "#333333",
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: "Arial-BoldMT",

}, []);
return <>{/* Your JSX code*/}</>;