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Widget Documentation: LMFeedPostLinkMediaView

Widget: LMFeedPostLinkMediaView

The LMFeedPostLinkMediaView is a customizable view for displaying a link preview, supporting actions like styling, setting link details, and adding click listeners for the link and its remove icon.

setStyle(postLinkViewStyle: LMFeedPostLinkMediaViewStyle)Applies the given style to the link media view.
setLinkTitle(linkTitle: String)Sets the title of the link.
setLinkDescription(linkDescription: String)Sets the description of the link.
setLinkUrl(linkUrl: String)Sets the URL of the link.
setLinkImage(imageSrc: String)Sets the image source for the link.
setLinkClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the link.
setLinkRemoveClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the remove icon.

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View Style: LMFeedPostLinkMediaViewStyle

The LMFeedPostLinkMediaViewStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedPostLinkMediaView, including text, icon, and box configurations.

linkTitleStyleConfigures the text style for the link title.LMFeedTextStyle
linkDescriptionStyleConfigures the text style for the link description.LMFeedTextStyle
linkUrlStyleConfigures the text style for the link URL.LMFeedTextStyle
linkImageStyleConfigures the style for the link image.LMFeedImageStyle
linkRemoveIconStyleConfigures the style for the remove icon.LMFeedIconStyle
linkBoxCornerRadiusSpecifies the corner radius for the link box.Int
linkBoxElevationSpecifies the elevation for the link box.Int
linkBoxStrokeColorSpecifies the stroke color for the link box.Int
linkBoxStrokeWidthSpecifies the stroke width for the link box.Int
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the link box.Int

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