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Widget Documentation: LMFeedPostTopResponseView

Widget: LMFeedPostTopResponseView

The LMFeedPostTopResponseView is a customizable view for displaying a top response, including author details, content, and timestamps, with configurable styles and click listeners.

setStyle(postTopResponseViewStyle: LMFeedPostTopResponseViewStyle)Applies the given style to the top response view.
setTopResponseTitle(title: String)Sets the title of the top response.
setAuthorImage(user: LMFeedUserViewData)Sets the author's image.
setAuthorName(authorName: String)Sets the author's name.
setTopResponseContent(content: String)Sets the content of the top response.
setTimestamp(createdAtTimeStamp: Long)Sets the timestamp of the top response.
setAuthorFrameClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the author frame.
setTopResponseClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the top response.

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View Style: LMFeedPostTopResponseViewStyle

The LMFeedPostTopResponseViewStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedPostTopResponseView, including configurations for text, images, and background.

titleTextStyleConfigures the text style for the title.LMFeedTextStyle
authorImageViewStyleConfigures the style for the author's image.LMFeedImageStyle
authorNameTextStyleConfigures the text style for the author's name.LMFeedTextStyle
timestampTextStyleConfigures the text style for the timestamp.LMFeedTextStyle
contentTextStyleConfigures the text style for the content.LMFeedTextStyle
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the top response view.Int

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