Widget Documentation: LMFeedNoEntityLayoutView
Widget: LMFeedNoEntityLayoutView
The LMFeedNoEntityLayoutView
is a customizable layout designed to display a message or action when no entities are available, with support for a title, subtitle, image, and a floating action button (FAB).
Method | Description |
setTitleText(title: String) | Sets the title text for the layout. |
setSubtitleText(subtitle: String) | Sets the subtitle text for the layout. |
setActionCTAText(ctaAction: String) | Sets the text for the action call-to-action (CTA). |
setActionFABColor(@ColorRes fabColor: Int) | Sets the color for the floating action button (FAB). |
setActionFABClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Registers a click listener for the FAB. |
setStyle(noEntityLayoutViewStyle: LMFeedNoEntityLayoutViewStyle) | Applies the given style to the no-entity layout view. |
View Style: LMFeedNoEntityLayoutViewStyle
The LMFeedNoEntityLayoutViewStyle
defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedNoEntityLayoutView
, including configurations for text, images, and the floating action button.
Field | Description | Type |
imageStyle | Configures the style for the image. | LMFeedImageStyle |
titleStyle | Configures the text style for the title. | LMFeedTextStyle |
subtitleStyle | Configures the text style for the subtitle. | LMFeedTextStyle |
actionStyle | Configures the style for the floating action button. | LMFeedFABStyle |
backgroundColor | Specifies the background color of the layout view. | Int |