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Widget Documentation: LMFeedHeaderView

Widget: LMFeedHeaderView

The LMFeedHeaderView is a customizable header component, supporting elements like titles, subtitles, navigation icons, notification icons, and user profile images with configurable styles and click listeners.

setStyle(headerViewStyle: LMFeedHeaderViewStyle)Applies the given style to the header view.
setTitleText(title: String)Sets the title text in the header.
setSubTitleText(subtitle: String)Sets the subtitle text in the header.
setNavigationIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the navigation icon.
setSubmitText(submitText: String)Sets the text for the submit button.
setSubmitButtonEnabled(isEnabled: Boolean, showProgress: Boolean = false)Toggles the enabled state of the submit button and optionally shows a progress indicator.
setNotificationCountText(count: Int)Sets the text for the notification count.
setNotificationIconVisibility(isVisible: Boolean)Toggles the visibility of the notification icon.
setUserProfileImage(user: LMFeedUserViewData)Sets the user's profile image in the header.
setSearchIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the search icon.
setSubmitButtonClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the submit button.
setUserProfileClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the user profile icon.
setNotificationIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the notification icon.

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View Style: LMFeedHeaderViewStyle

The LMFeedHeaderViewStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedHeaderView, including configurations for text styles, icons, and colors.

titleTextStyleConfigures the text style for the title.LMFeedTextStyle
subtitleTextStyleConfigures the text style for the subtitle.LMFeedTextStyle
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the header view.Int
elevationSpecifies the elevation of the header view.Int
submitTextStyleConfigures the text style for the submit button.LMFeedTextStyle
activeSubmitColorSpecifies the color for the active submit button.Int
navigationIconStyleConfigures the style for the navigation icon.LMFeedIconStyle
searchIconStyleConfigures the style for the search icon.LMFeedIconStyle
userProfileStyleConfigures the style for the user profile image.LMFeedImageStyle
notificationIconStyleConfigures the style for the notification icon.LMFeedIconStyle
notificationCountTextStyleConfigures the text style for the notification count.LMFeedTextStyle

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