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Widget Documentation: LMFeedPostingView

Widget: LMFeedPostingView

The LMFeedPostingView is a customizable view for displaying the status of a posting operation, including progress, retry options, and success indicators with configurable styles.

setPostingText(title: String)Sets the posting title text.
setProgress(progress: Int)Updates the progress of the posting operation.
setProgressVisibility(isVisible: Boolean)Toggles the visibility of the progress bar.
setRetryCTAText(retryCTAText: String)Sets the text for the retry call-to-action (CTA).
setRetryVisibility(isVisible: Boolean)Toggles the visibility of the retry option.
setPostSuccessfulVisibility(isVisible: Boolean)Toggles the visibility of the success message or indicator.
setRetryCTAClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the retry CTA.
setAttachmentThumbnail(uri: Uri)Sets the thumbnail for the attachment.
setStyle(postingViewStyle: LMFeedPostingViewStyle)Applies the given style to the posting view.

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View Style: LMFeedPostingViewStyle

The LMFeedPostingViewStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedPostingView, including configurations for text, images, and progress indicators.

attachmentThumbnailImageStyleConfigures the style for the attachment thumbnail image.LMFeedImageStyle
postingHeadingTextStyleConfigures the text style for the posting title.LMFeedTextStyle
progressStyleConfigures the style for the progress bar.LMFeedProgressBarStyle
retryButtonTextStyleConfigures the text style for the retry button.LMFeedTextStyle
postingDoneImageStyleConfigures the style for the success indicator image.LMFeedImageStyle
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the posting view.Int

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