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Widget Documentation: LMFeedTextView

Widget: LMFeedTextView

The LMFeedTextView is a versatile text component with advanced customization options such as font resources, drawables, and expandable call-to-actions.

clearDrawables()Removes all drawable resources attached to the TextView.

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View Style: LMFeedTextStyle

The LMFeedTextStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedTextView, allowing customization for text styling, drawables, and alignment.

textColorSpecifies the color of the text.Int
textSizeDefines the size of the text.Int
textAllCapsIndicates whether the text should be displayed in all caps.Boolean
fontResourceSpecifies the font resource for the text.Int
fontAssetsPathPath to the font file in assets.String
typefaceSets the typeface of the text.Int
maxLinesSpecifies the maximum number of lines for the text.Int
ellipsizeDetermines how to truncate text that exceeds available space.TruncateAt
maxHeightSets the maximum height of the TextView.Int
minHeightSets the minimum height of the TextView.Int
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the TextView.Int
textAlignmentDefines the alignment of the text.Int
elevationSets the elevation of the TextView.Int
hintTextColorSpecifies the color of the hint text.Int
drawableLeftSrcResource ID for the left drawable.Int
drawableTopSrcResource ID for the top drawable.Int
drawableRightSrcResource ID for the right drawable.Int
drawableBottomSrcResource ID for the bottom drawable.Int
drawablePaddingPadding between text and drawables.Int
expandableCTATextText for the "expandable" call-to-action.String
expandableCTAColorColor of the "expandable" call-to-action text.Int

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