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Widget Documentation: LMFeedButton

Widget: LMFeedButton

LMFeedButton is a customizable button widget designed for use in Android applications. It allows developers to implement buttons with a wide range of styling options, including text styles, icons, and background properties.

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View Style: LMFeedButtonStyle

LMFeedButtonStyle provides flexible customization options for styling the LMFeedButton. It allows developers to define properties such as text appearance, background color, and icon configurations.

textStyleDefines the text style for the button.LMFeedTextStyle
backgroundColorSets the background color of the button.Int
strokeColorSets the color of the button's stroke.Int
strokeWidthDefines the width of the button's stroke.Int
elevationDefines the elevation of the button.Int
iconSpecifies the resource ID for the button's icon.Int
iconTintDefines the tint color for the icon.Int
iconSizeSets the size of the icon.Int
iconGravityDefines the icon's gravity within the button.Int
iconPaddingSets the padding around the icon.Int
cornerRadiusDefines the corner radius of the button.Int
disabledButtonColorSets the color of the button when disabled.Int

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