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Widget Documentation: LMFeedFAB

Widget: LMFeedFAB

The LMFeedFAB is a custom Floating Action Button (FAB) designed for enhanced functionality and customization, including support for extended mode, icons, and text styles.

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View Style: LMFeedFABStyle

The LMFeedFABStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedFAB, allowing customization for background color, stroke, icon, and text styling.

isExtendedIndicates whether the FAB is in extended mode.Boolean
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color of the FAB.Int
strokeColorDefines the stroke color of the FAB.Int
strokeWidthSets the width of the FAB's stroke.Int
elevationSpecifies the elevation of the FAB.Int
iconIdentifies the icon resource for the FAB.Int
iconTintDefines the tint color for the FAB icon.Int
iconSizeSpecifies the size of the FAB icon.Int
iconPaddingSets the padding around the icon within the FAB.Int
textStyleDefines the style of the FAB's text.LMFeedTextStyle

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