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Widget Documentation: LMFeedActivityView

Widget: LMFeedActivityView

The LMFeedActivityView is a customizable view for displaying activity feed entries, supporting features like user images, activity content, timestamps, and badges with configurable styles.

setStyle(activityViewStyle: LMFeedActivityViewStyle)Applies the given style to the activity view.
setActivityContent(activityContent: String)Sets the content of the activity.
setTimestamp(createdAtTimeStamp: Long)Sets the timestamp of the activity.
setActivityRead(isRead: Boolean)Marks the activity as read or unread.
setUserImage(user: LMFeedUserViewData)Sets the user's image.
setPostTypeBadge(@LMFeedAttachmentType attachmentType: Int)Sets the badge indicating the type of post associated with the activity.

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View Style: LMFeedActivityViewStyle

The LMFeedActivityViewStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedActivityView, including configurations for user images, activity content, and badges.

userImageViewStyleConfigures the style for the user image.LMFeedImageStyle
activityTextStyleConfigures the text style for the activity description.LMFeedTextStyle
postTypeBadgeStyleConfigures the style for the post type badge.LMFeedImageStyle
timestampTextStyleConfigures the text style for the timestamp.LMFeedTextStyle
readActivityBackgroundColorSpecifies the background color for read activities.Int
unreadActivityBackgroundColorSpecifies the background color for unread activities.Int

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