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Widget Documentation: LMFeedUserView

Widget: LMFeedUserView

The LMFeedUserView is a customizable widget for displaying user information, including profile image, name, and title, with configurable styles.

setStyle(userViewStyle: LMFeedUserViewStyle)Applies the given style to the user view.
setUserImage(user: LMFeedUserViewData)Sets the user's profile image.
setUserName(userName: String)Sets the user's name.
setUserTitle(userTitle: String?)Sets the user's title (optional).

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View Style: LMFeedUserViewStyle

The LMFeedUserViewStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedUserView, including configurations for the profile image, name, and title.

userImageViewStyleConfigures the style for the user's profile image.LMFeedImageStyle
userNameViewStyleConfigures the text style for the user's name.LMFeedTextStyle
userTitleViewStyleConfigures the text style for the user's title.LMFeedTextStyle

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