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Widget Documentation: LMFeedEditText

Widget: LMFeedEditText

The LMFeedEditText is a custom EditText widget providing advanced capabilities such as handling focus changes and dynamic keyboard interactions.

onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus: Boolean)Handles changes in window focus.
focusAndShowKeyboard()Focuses the EditText and displays the keyboard.
maybeShowKeyboard()Conditionally shows the keyboard based on the current state.

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View Style: LMFeedEditTextStyle

The LMFeedEditTextStyle defines the appearance and layout properties for the LMFeedEditText, enabling customization of its text, colors, and elevation.

inputTextStyleSpecifies the style of the input text.LMFeedTextStyle
hintTextColorDefines the color of the hint text.Int
elevationSets the elevation of the EditText.Int
backgroundColorSpecifies the background color.Int

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