Widget Documentation: LMFeedCommentView
Widget: LMFeedCommentView
is a customizable widget for displaying user comments in a structured and visually appealing way. It supports features like user interaction, styling, and event handling.
Method | Description |
setStyle(commentViewStyle: LMFeedCommentViewStyle) | Sets the overall style of the comment view. |
configureCommenterImage(commenterImageViewStyle: LMFeedImageStyle?) | Configures the style of the commenter's image. |
configureCommenterName(commenterNameTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle) | Configures the style of the commenter's name. |
configureCommentContent(commentContentStyle: LMFeedTextStyle) | Configures the style of the comment content. |
configureMenuIcon(menuIconStyle: LMFeedIconStyle?) | Configures the style of the menu icon. |
configureLikeIcon(likeIconStyle: LMFeedIconStyle) | Configures the style of the like icon. |
configureLikeText(likeTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?) | Configures the style of the like text. |
configureReplyText(replyTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?) | Configures the style of the reply text. |
configureReplyCountText(replyCountTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?) | Configures the style of the reply count text. |
configureTimestampText(timestampTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?) | Configures the style of the timestamp text. |
configureCommentEditedText(commentEditedTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?) | Configures the style of the "comment edited" text. |
setCommentCreatorImage(user: LMFeedUserViewData) | Sets the image for the comment creator. |
setCommentCreatorName(commenterName: String) | Sets the name of the comment creator. |
onClick(view: View) | Handles click events on the view. |
updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) | Updates the text appearance for the comment. |
setTimestamp(createdAtTimeStamp: Long) | Sets the timestamp of the comment. |
setCommentEdited(isEdited: Boolean) | Updates the view when a comment is edited. |
setCommentLikesIcon(isLiked: Boolean = false) | Updates the like icon state. |
setLikesCount(likesCount: String) | Updates the like count text. |
setReplyText(replyText: String) | Updates the reply text. |
setRepliesCount(repliesCount: String) | Updates the reply count text. |
setLikesCountClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Sets a listener for the like count click event. |
setLikeIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Sets a listener for the like icon click event. |
setReplyClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Sets a listener for the reply click event. |
setReplyCountClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Sets a listener for the reply count click event. |
setMenuIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Sets a listener for the menu icon click event. |
setCommenterHeaderClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener) | Sets a listener for the commenter's header click event. |
linkifyCommentContent(linkClickListener: LMFeedOnLinkClickListener) | Converts URLs in the comment content to clickable links. |
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View Style: LMFeedCommentViewStyle
provides flexible styling options for the LMFeedCommentView
, allowing customization of its various elements.
Field | Description | Type |
commenterImageViewStyle | Defines the style of the commenter's image. | LMFeedImageStyle |
commenterNameTextStyle | Defines the style of the commenter's name. | LMFeedTextStyle |
commentContentStyle | Defines the style of the comment content. | LMFeedTextStyle |
menuIconStyle | Defines the style of the menu icon. | LMFeedIconStyle |
likeIconStyle | Defines the style of the like icon. | LMFeedIconStyle |
likeTextStyle | Defines the style of the like text. | LMFeedTextStyle |
replyTextStyle | Defines the style of the reply text. | LMFeedTextStyle |
replyCountTextStyle | Defines the style of the reply count text. | LMFeedTextStyle |
timestampTextStyle | Defines the style of the timestamp text. | LMFeedTextStyle |
commentEditedTextStyle | Defines the style of the "comment edited" text. | LMFeedTextStyle |
backgroundColor | Defines the background color of the comment view. | Int |
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