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Widget Documentation: LMFeedCommentView

Widget: LMFeedCommentView

LMFeedCommentView is a customizable widget for displaying user comments in a structured and visually appealing way. It supports features like user interaction, styling, and event handling.

setStyle(commentViewStyle: LMFeedCommentViewStyle)Sets the overall style of the comment view.
configureCommenterImage(commenterImageViewStyle: LMFeedImageStyle?)Configures the style of the commenter's image.
configureCommenterName(commenterNameTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle)Configures the style of the commenter's name.
configureCommentContent(commentContentStyle: LMFeedTextStyle)Configures the style of the comment content.
configureMenuIcon(menuIconStyle: LMFeedIconStyle?)Configures the style of the menu icon.
configureLikeIcon(likeIconStyle: LMFeedIconStyle)Configures the style of the like icon.
configureLikeText(likeTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?)Configures the style of the like text.
configureReplyText(replyTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?)Configures the style of the reply text.
configureReplyCountText(replyCountTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?)Configures the style of the reply count text.
configureTimestampText(timestampTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?)Configures the style of the timestamp text.
configureCommentEditedText(commentEditedTextStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?)Configures the style of the "comment edited" text.
setCommentCreatorImage(user: LMFeedUserViewData)Sets the image for the comment creator.
setCommentCreatorName(commenterName: String)Sets the name of the comment creator.
onClick(view: View)Handles click events on the view.
updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint)Updates the text appearance for the comment.
setTimestamp(createdAtTimeStamp: Long)Sets the timestamp of the comment.
setCommentEdited(isEdited: Boolean)Updates the view when a comment is edited.
setCommentLikesIcon(isLiked: Boolean = false)Updates the like icon state.
setLikesCount(likesCount: String)Updates the like count text.
setReplyText(replyText: String)Updates the reply text.
setRepliesCount(repliesCount: String)Updates the reply count text.
setLikesCountClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the like count click event.
setLikeIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the like icon click event.
setReplyClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the reply click event.
setReplyCountClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the reply count click event.
setMenuIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the menu icon click event.
setCommenterHeaderClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the commenter's header click event.
linkifyCommentContent(linkClickListener: LMFeedOnLinkClickListener)Converts URLs in the comment content to clickable links.

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View Style: LMFeedCommentViewStyle

LMFeedCommentViewStyle provides flexible styling options for the LMFeedCommentView, allowing customization of its various elements.

commenterImageViewStyleDefines the style of the commenter's image.LMFeedImageStyle
commenterNameTextStyleDefines the style of the commenter's name.LMFeedTextStyle
commentContentStyleDefines the style of the comment content.LMFeedTextStyle
menuIconStyleDefines the style of the menu icon.LMFeedIconStyle
likeIconStyleDefines the style of the like icon.LMFeedIconStyle
likeTextStyleDefines the style of the like text.LMFeedTextStyle
replyTextStyleDefines the style of the reply text.LMFeedTextStyle
replyCountTextStyleDefines the style of the reply count text.LMFeedTextStyle
timestampTextStyleDefines the style of the timestamp text.LMFeedTextStyle
commentEditedTextStyleDefines the style of the "comment edited" text.LMFeedTextStyle
backgroundColorDefines the background color of the comment view.Int

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