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Widget Documentation: LMFeedCommentComposerView

Widget: LMFeedCommentComposerView

LMFeedCommentComposerView is a customizable comment composer widget designed for Android applications. It allows users to input, manage, and send comments in a structured way, offering rich styling and functionality options.

setStyle(commentComposerStyle: LMFeedCommentComposerViewStyle)Sets the overall style of the comment composer.
configureCommentInput(commentInputStyle: LMFeedEditTextStyle)Configures the appearance of the comment input box.
configureCommentSend(commentSendStyle: LMFeedIconStyle)Configures the style of the send button.
configureCommentRestricted(commentRestrictedStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?)Configures the style for restricted comments.
configureReplyingTo(replyingToStyle: LMFeedTextStyle?Configures the appearance of the "replying to" view.
configureRemoveReplyingTo(removeReplyingToStyle: LMFeedIconStyle?)Configures the style of the "remove replying to" icon.
setCommentInputBoxHint(hint: String)Sets the placeholder text for the input box.
setCommentSendButton(isEnabled: Boolean = false)Enables or disables the send button.
setCommentSendClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the send button click event.
setRemoveReplyingToClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Sets a listener for the "remove replying to" icon click event.
setReplyingView(replyingTo: String)Updates the view when replying to a comment.
setCommentRights(hasCommentRights: Boolean)Updates the state based on the user's comment rights.

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View Style: LMFeedCommentComposerViewStyle

LMFeedCommentComposerViewStyle provides flexible customization options for styling the LMFeedCommentComposerView.

commentInputStyleDefines the style for the comment input field.LMFeedEditTextStyle
commentSendStyleDefines the style for the send button.LMFeedIconStyle
commentRestrictedStyleDefines the style for restricted comments.LMFeedTextStyle
replyingToStyleDefines the style for the "replying to" text.LMFeedTextStyle
removeReplyingToStyleDefines the style for the "remove replying to" icon.LMFeedIconStyle
elevationDefines the elevation of the composer.Int
backgroundColorDefines the background color of the composer.Int

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