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Widget Documentation: LMFeedPostDocumentView

Widget: LMFeedPostDocumentView

The LMFeedPostDocumentView is a customizable view for displaying an individual document, supporting actions like styling, configuring attributes, and adding click listeners.

setStyle(postDocumentMediaViewStyle: LMFeedPostDocumentsMediaViewStyle)Applies the given style to the document view.
setDocumentName(documentName: String)Sets the name of the document.
setDocumentPages(documentPages: Int)Sets the number of pages in the document.
setDocumentSize(documentSize: Long)Sets the size of the document.
setDocumentType(documentType: String)Sets the type of the document.
setDocumentClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the document.
setRemoveIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the remove icon.

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