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Screen: LMFeedCreatePostFragment

LMFeedCreatePostFragment provides the interface for creating new posts in the LikeMinds feed system. It supports various post types, including text, images, videos, documents, and polls, allowing users to compose rich content with advanced customization options.
GitHub Link to LMFeedCreatePostFragment

View Style: LMFeedCreatePostFragmentViewStyle

LMFeedCreatePostFragmentViewStyle defines the visual style and structure of the LMFeedCreatePostFragment. The following fields are available for customization:

Field NameDescriptionType
headerViewStyleStyle for the header of the create post screen.LMFeedHeaderViewStyle
authorViewStyleDefines the style for the author view.LMFeedPostHeaderViewStyle
selectTopicsChipStyleStyle for the topic selection chip.LMFeedChipStyle
editChipStyleStyle for the edit chip in the post composer.LMFeedChipStyle
postComposerStyleStyle for the main post composer.LMFeedEditTextStyle
postHeadingComposerStyleStyle for the heading composer in posts.LMFeedEditTextStyle
postHeadingLimitTextStyleStyle for the heading character limit display.LMFeedTextStyle
addMoreButtonStyleStyle for the "Add More" button.LMFeedButtonStyle
backgroundColorBackground color for the create post fragment.Int

GitHub Link to LMFeedCreatePostFragmentViewStyle

Customization available in LMFeedCreatePostFragment

Header Customizations

  • customizeCreatePostHeaderView(headerViewCreatePost: LMFeedHeaderView): Allows customization of the header view in the create post fragment.

Author and Topics Customizations

  • customizeAuthorView(authorView: LMFeedPostHeaderView): Customizes the author view in the post composer.
  • customizeTopicsGroup(topicsGroup: LMFeedChipGroup): Customizes the topics group in the post composer.

Post Content Customizations

  • customizePostComposer(etPostComposer: LMFeedEditText): Customizes the main post composer for text content.
  • customizePostHeadingComposer(etPostHeadingComposer: LMFeedEditText): Customizes the heading composer.
  • customizePostHeadingLimit(tvPostHeadingLimitTextView: LMFeedTextView): Customizes the display of character limits for post headings.

Attachments Customizations

  • customizePostImageAttachment(imageMediaView: LMFeedPostImageMediaView): Customizes the image attachment section.
  • customizePostVideoAttachment(videoMediaView: LMFeedPostVideoMediaView): Customizes the video attachment section.
  • customizePostLinkViewAttachment(linkMediaView: LMFeedPostLinkMediaView): Customizes the link view attachment section.
  • customizePostDocumentsAttachment(documentsMediaView: LMFeedPostDocumentsMediaView): Customizes the document attachment section.
  • customizePostPollAttachment(pollView: LMFeedPostPollView): Customizes the poll attachment section.
  • customizePostMultipleMedia(multipleMediaView: LMFeedPostMultipleMediaView): Customizes the display of multiple media attachments.
  • customizeAddMoreButton(btnAddMoreMedia: LMFeedButton): Customizes the "Add More" button for additional attachments.

Interactions available in LMFeedCreatePostFragment

Media Attachments Interactions

  • onAttachImageClicked(): Handles clicks for attaching images.
  • onAttachVideoClicked(): Handles clicks for attaching videos.
  • onAttachDocumentClicked(): Handles clicks for attaching documents.

Poll Attachments Interactions

  • onAddPollClicked(): Handles adding a new poll to the post.
  • onPollAttachmentEditClicked(): Handles editing the poll attachment.

Media and Document Interactions

  • onPostDocumentMediaClicked(position: Int, parentPosition: Int, attachmentViewData: LMFeedAttachmentViewData): Handles clicks on document or media attachments in the post.
  • onMediaRemovedClicked(position: Int, mediaType: String): Handles removal of media attachments.