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Screen: LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragment

The LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragment handles the administrative delete dialog in the LikeMinds feed system. It enables administrators to confirm or cancel delete operations within the feed, providing a flexible and customizable user experience.

GitHub File: LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragment.kt

View Style: LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragmentStyle

The LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragmentStyle defines the visual style and structure of the LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragment. It provides various customization options for the dialog and its components.

GitHub File: LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragmentStyle.kt

adminDeleteDialogStyleStyle attributes for the admin delete dialog.LMFeedAlertDialogViewStyle
selectorIconStyleDefines the style for selector icons.LMFeedIconStyle
reasonTextStyleStyle for the text displaying reasons in the dialog.LMFeedTextStyle

Customization Available in LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragment

The fragment provides the following customization methods:

Dialog Customizations

  • customizeAdminDeleteDialog(dialog: LMFeedAlertDialogView):
    Customize the appearance and behavior of the admin delete dialog, including its layout and components.

Interactions Available in LMFeedAdminDeleteDialogFragment

The fragment supports the following interaction methods:

Selector Click Interactions

  • onAdminDeleteAlertSelectorClicked()
    Handles clicks on selector options within the delete dialog.

Button Click Interactions

  • onAdminDeleteAlertPositiveButtonClicked()
    Handles the confirmation of a delete operation when the positive button is clicked.

  • onAdminDeleteAlertNegativeButtonClicked()
    Handles the cancellation of a delete operation when the negative button is clicked.