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Screen: LMFeedTopicSelectionFragment

The LMFeedTopicSelectionFragment allows users to select topics of interest. It features a customizable header, a list of topics, and a search bar to filter topics. Users can submit their selected topics using a floating action button (FAB).

GitHub Link to LMFeedTopicSelectionFragment

View Style: LMFeedTopicSelectionFragmentViewStyle

The LMFeedTopicSelectionFragmentViewStyle defines the visual style and layout of the fragment. Below are the available customization fields:

Field NameDescriptionType
headerViewStyleStyle for the header of the topic selection screen.LMFeedHeaderViewStyle
topicItemStyleStyle for individual topic items.LMFeedTextStyle
noTopicsLayoutViewStyleStyle for the "no topics available" layout.LMFeedNoEntityLayoutViewStyle
submitSelectedTopicsFABStyleStyle for the floating action button used to submit topics.LMFeedFABStyle
topicSearchBarViewStyleStyle for the search bar used to filter topics.LMFeedSearchBarViewStyle
backgroundColorBackground color for the topic selection fragment.Int

GitHub Link to LMFeedTopicSelectionFragmentViewStyle

Customization Available in LMFeedTopicSelectionFragment

Header and Layout Customizations

  • customizeTopicSelectionHeaderView(headerViewTopicSelection: LMFeedHeaderView)
    Customizes the header view for the topic selection fragment.
  • customizeNoTopicsLayout(layoutNoTopics: LMFeedNoEntityLayoutView)
    Customizes the layout shown when no topics are available.
  • customizeSubmitTopicsFab(fabSubmitSelectedTopics: LMFeedFAB)
    Customizes the floating action button for submitting selected topics.
  • customizeSearchBar(searchBar: LMFeedSearchBarView)
    Customizes the search bar for filtering topics.

Interactions Available in LMFeedTopicSelectionFragment

General Interactions

  • onSearchIconClicked()
    Triggered when the search icon is clicked.
  • onNavigationIconClicked()
    Triggered when the navigation icon in the header is clicked.
  • onSubmitFABClicked()
    Triggered when the floating action button for submitting topics is clicked.