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User Model

The User class represents a user within the community, capturing various attributes and details. Below are the details of the User model:


idintThe unique identifier of the user.
nameStringThe name of the user.
imageUrlStringThe URL of the user's profile image.
isGuestboolIndicates whether the user is a guest.
userUniqueIdStringThe unique identifier of the user.
organisationNameStringThe name of the user's organization.
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfoInformation about the SDK client associated with the user.
updatedAtintThe timestamp when the user was last updated.
isOwnerboolIndicates whether the user is an owner.
customTitleStringCustom title assigned to the user.
memberSinceStringThe date when the user became a member of the community.
routeStringThe route associated with the user.
stateintThe state of the user.
communityIdintThe unique identifier of the community to which the user belongs.
createdAtintThe timestamp when the user was created.
isDeletedboolIndicates whether the user is deleted.

UserTag Model

The UserTag class represents user tags, providing information about a user in a specific context. Below are the details of the UserTag model:


nameStringThe name associated with the user tag.
imageUrlStringThe URL of the image associated with the user.
customTitleStringThe custom title associated with the user tag.
idintThe unique identifier of the user.
isGuestboolIndicates whether the user is a guest.
userUniqueIdStringThe unique identifier of the user.
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfoSDK client information associated with the user.


The SDKClientInfo class represents information about the SDK client, providing details about the version, build number, and user association. Below are the details of the SDKClientInfo model:


communityintThe community identifier for the SDK.
userintThe user identifier for the SDK.
userUniqueIdStringThe unique identifier of the user.


The MemberRight class represents the rights assigned to a community member, indicating their privileges and access levels. Below are the details of the MemberRight model:


idintThe unique identifier of the member right.
isSelectedboolIndicates whether the member right is selected.
stateintThe state of the member right.
titleStringThe title or name of the member right.


The MemberAction class represents an action that a member can take, capturing the title and route of the action. Below are the details of the MemberAction model:


titleStringThe title or name of the member action.
routeStringThe route or path associated with the member action.


The QuestionAnswer class represents a combination of a question and its corresponding answer. This model is useful for handling scenarios where both question and answer details are needed together. Below are the details of the QuestionAnswer model:


answerAnswerThe answer associated with the question.
questionQuestionThe question for which the answer is provided.


The Question class represents a question within a community or a system, capturing various attributes related to the question. Below are the details of the Question model:


idStringThe unique identifier of the question.
questionTitleStringThe title or text of the question.
stateintThe state of the question.
valueStringThe value associated with the question.
optionalboolIndicates whether the question is optional.
helpTextStringAdditional help text or information for the question.
fieldboolIndicates whether the question is a field.
isCompulsoryboolIndicates whether the question is compulsory.
isHiddenboolIndicates whether the question is hidden.
communityIdStringThe unique identifier of the community to which the question belongs.
memberIdStringThe unique identifier of the member associated with the question.
directoryFieldsboolIndicates whether the question is part of directory fields.
imageUrlStringThe URL of the image associated with the question.
canAddOtherOptionsboolIndicates whether additional options can be added to the question.
questionChangeStateintThe change state of the question.
tagStringThe tag associated with the question.
rankintThe rank or order of the question.
isAnswerEditableboolIndicates whether the answer to the question is editable.
dropdownSelectionLimitintThe limit on the number of selections in a dropdown question.


The Answer class represents an answer provided by a member in response to a specific question within a community or a system. Below are the details of the Answer model:


answerStringThe text or content of the answer.
memberIdintThe unique identifier of the member providing the answer.
questionIdintThe unique identifier of the associated question.
communityIdintThe unique identifier of the community to which the question belongs.
imageUrlStringThe URL of an image associated with the answer.