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NotificationFeedItem Model

The NotificationFeedItem class represents an item in the notification feed, providing information about a specific action or activity. Below are the details of the NotificationFeedItem model:


idStringThe unique identifier of the notification feed item.
actionintThe type of action or activity associated with the notification.
actionByList<String>List of unique identifiers of users who performed the action.
actionOnStringThe unique identifier of the entity on which the action was performed.
activityEntityDataActivityEntityDataData related to the entity on which the action was performed.
activityTextStringThe text or description of the activity.
ctaStringCall-to-action associated with the notification.
createdAtintThe timestamp when the notification feed item was created.
entityIdStringThe unique identifier of the entity associated with the notification.
entityOwnerIdStringThe unique identifier of the owner of the entity associated with the notification.
entityTypeintThe type of entity associated with the notification.
isReadboolIndicates whether the notification has been read.
updatedAtintThe timestamp when the notification feed item was last updated.


The ActivityEntityData class represents data related to an entity on which a specific action or activity was performed. This model provides details about the entity, including attachments, user interactions, and other relevant information. Below are the details of the ActivityEntityData model:


idStringThe unique identifier of the entity.
attachmentsList<Attachment>List of attachments associated with the entity.
chatroomIdintThe unique identifier of the associated chatroom, if applicable.
communityIdintThe unique identifier of the community to which the entity belongs.
createdAtintThe timestamp when the entity was created.
deleteReasonStringThe reason for deleting the entity, if applicable.
deleteByStringThe unique identifier of the user who deleted the entity, if applicable.
headingStringThe heading or title associated with the entity.
levelintThe level or depth of the entity in a hierarchical structure.
postIdStringThe unique identifier of the associated post, if applicable.
isDeletedboolIndicates whether the entity has been deleted.
isPinnedboolIndicates whether the entity is pinned.
isEditedboolIndicates whether the entity has been edited.
textStringThe text content of the entity.
repliesList<Comment>List of comments as replies to the entity.
updatedAtintThe timestamp when the entity was last updated.
userIdStringThe unique identifier of the user associated with the entity.


The UserActivityItem class represents an item of user activity, capturing various details related to a specific action performed by a user. This model includes information about the action, the entity on which the action was performed, and other relevant data. Below are the details of the UserActivityItem model:


idStringThe unique identifier of the user activity item.
actionintThe code or identifier representing the type of action performed.
actionByList<String>List of unique identifiers of users who performed the action.
actionOnStringThe type or category of the entity on which the action was performed.
activityEntityDataUserActivityEntityDataThe data related to the entity on which the action was performed.
activityTextStringThe text or description of the user activity.
createdAtintThe timestamp when the user activity item was created.
ctaStringThe call-to-action associated with the user activity item, if applicable.
entityIdStringThe unique identifier of the entity on which the action was performed.
entityOwnerIdStringThe unique identifier of the owner of the entity, if applicable.
entityTypeintThe code or identifier representing the type of entity on which the action was performed.
isReadboolIndicates whether the user has read the activity item.
updatedAtintThe timestamp when the user activity item was last updated.
uuidStringThe universally unique identifier (UUID) associated with the user activity item.


The UserActivityEntityData class represents data related to the entity on which a user activity item is performed. This model captures various attributes and interactions associated with the entity. Below are the details of the UserActivityEntityData model:


idStringThe unique identifier of the entity.
attachmentsList<Attachment>List of attachments associated with the entity.
commentsCountintThe count of comments associated with the entity.
communityIdintThe unique identifier of the community to which the entity belongs.
createdAtintThe timestamp when the entity was created.
headingStringThe heading or title associated with the entity.
isEditedboolIndicates whether the entity has been edited.
isLikedboolIndicates whether the entity is liked by the user.
isPinnedboolIndicates whether the entity is pinned.
isSavedboolIndicates whether the entity is saved by the user.
levelintThe level or hierarchy of the entity.
likesCountintThe count of likes received by the entity.
menuItemsList<PopupMenuItemModel>List of menu items associated with the entity.
postDataPostData related to a post associated with the entity.
postIdStringThe unique identifier of the associated post.
repliesList<Comment>List of comments as replies to the entity.
tempIdStringTemporary identifier associated with the entity.
textStringThe text content or description of the entity.
topicsList<String>List of topics associated with the entity.
updatedAtintThe timestamp when the entity was last updated.
userIdStringThe unique identifier of the user associated with the entity.
uuidStringThe universally unique identifier (UUID) associated with the entity.
isRepostboolIndicates whether the entity is a repost.
isRepostedByUserboolIndicates whether the entity is reposted by the user.
repostCountintThe count of reposts received by the entity.
isDeletedboolIndicates whether the entity is deleted.