📄️ Fetch Comment
The getComment() function serves the purpose of fetching a specific comment along with its associated replies. By utilizing this function, developers can seamlessly retrieve detailed information about a comment and the ensuing conversation.
📄️ Add Comment
The addComment() function allows users to engage in interactive discussions by adding comments to posts. This powerful feature enables users to express their thoughts, ask questions, and engage with other members in a dynamic and collaborative manner. By integrating the comment functionality, developers can foster meaningful conversations and enhance the overall user experience within their application.
📄️ Like Comment
The likeComment() function provides users with the ability to express their appreciation for a comment by liking it. This feature enhances user engagement and allows them to interact positively with the content shared by others.
📄️ Reply Comment
The addCommentReply() function facilitates the addition of a reply to a specific comment, extending the conversational aspect of the application. By using this function, developers can empower users to engage in threaded discussions, responding directly to comments within a post.
📄️ Edit Comment
The editComment() function empowers members to edit their own comments, allowing them the convenience and flexibility to modify their shared thoughts and responses within the application. This feature enables users to refine their comments, correct any mistakes, or update their opinions as needed, enhancing the overall user experience and ensuring accurate and up-to-date discussions.
📄️ Delete Comment
The deleteComment() function is used to remove a comment from a post. This functionality allows users to manage their comments by providing the capability to delete comments they no longer wish to keep.
📄️ Fetch Comment Likes
The getCommentLikes() function enables users to retrieve the list of individuals who have expressed their appreciation for a particular comment. This feature provides valuable insights into the popularity and impact of comments within the community.
📄️ Edit Comment Reply
The editCommentReply() function empowers users to modify their replies to comments, providing a dynamic and interactive user experience. By utilizing this function, developers enable users to update their responses, ensuring the content remains relevant and accurate. The function takes an EditCommentReplyRequest as input, containing the text, postId, commentId, and replyId parameters, and returns an EditCommentReplyResponse as a Future.
📄️ Fetch User Created Comment
To retrieve comments created by a specific user, you need to fetch them within the system. This process allows you to get all comments associated with a user in the LikeMinds Feed.