📄️ Initiate User
To start using the LikeMinds Feed and enable personalized experiences for your users, you need to initiate them within the system. This process associates a user in your application with a user in the LikeMinds Feed, allowing for seamless integration and personalized recommendations.
📄️ Get Member State
To retrieve the current state of a member in the LikeMinds Feed, use the getMemberState() function.
📄️ Validate User
To start using the LikeMinds Feed and enable personalized experiences for your users, you need to validate them within the system. This process associates a user in your application with a user in the LikeMinds Feed, allowing for seamless integration and personalized recommendations.
📄️ Get Profile
To retrieve the user profile information in the LikeMinds Feed, use the getProfile() function.
📄️ Get User Feed Meta
To retrieve the user feed meta information in the LikeMinds Feed, use the getUserFeedMeta() function.
📄️ Refresh User
To keep the user session active and ensure uninterrupted access to the LikeMinds Feed, you can refresh the user's authentication tokens using the refreshUser() function.
📄️ Edit Profile
To modify the user profile information in the LikeMinds Feed, use the editProfile() function.
📄️ Logout User
To securely terminate a user session and log the user out of the LikeMinds Feed, use the logout() function.
📄️ Toggle Block
The toggleBlock() function is used to block or unblock a user based on the parameters provided in the BlockUserRequest. It returns an LMResponse.
📄️ Get Blocked Users
The getBlockedUsers() function retrieves a list of users that have been blocked by a specific user. It utilizes the GetBlockedUsersRequest model to specify the user whose blocked list is being requested and returns a LMResponse.
📄️ Register Device
To receive push notifications, you need to register a device using the registerDevice() function.