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Edit User Profile

To modify the user profile information in the LikeMinds Feed, use the editProfile() function.

Steps to Edit User Profile

  1. Build an EditProfileRequest object using the EditProfileRequestBuilder class.

  2. Call the editProfile() function using the instance of the LMFeedClient class.

  3. Use the response as per your requirement.

     // Provide user details for editing the profile
    String userUniqueId = "user_unique_id_here";
    String? name = "new_user_name";
    String? imageUrl = "new_user_profile_image_url";

    // Build the request object
    EditProfileRequest request = (EditProfileRequestBuilder()

    // Get the response from calling the function
    final EditProfileResponse response = await lmFeedClient.editProfile(request);

    // Process the response, as per requirement
    // your function to handle successful profile edit
    } else {
    // your function to handle error message



List of parameters for the EditProfileRequest class

nameStringNew name of the user
imageUrlStringNew URL of the user's profile image
userUniqueIdStringUnique ID of the user
questionCommunityJoinList<QuestionCommunityJoin>List of question and community associations


List of parameters for the EditProfileResponse class

errorMessageStringError message in case of failure
successboolAPI success status