📄️ Fetch Universal feed
The getUniversalFeed() function is used to retrieve the universal feed, including posts, users, topics, widgets, and reposted posts based on specified parameters.
📄️ Fetch Feedroom
The getFeedRoom() function is used to retrieve information about feed rooms, including details about a specific feed room, a list of feed rooms, participant count, and an error message in case of failure.
📄️ Fetch Feed in Feedroom
The getFeedOfFeedRoom() function is used to retrieve the feed content inside a specific feedroom, including posts, users, topics, and widgets based on specified parameters.
📄️ Get User Created Posts
The getUserCreatedPosts() function is used to retrieve the posts created by a specific user, including posts, users, topics, widgets, and reposted posts associated with the user.
📄️ Get Personalised Feed
The getPersonalisedFeed() function retrieves a personalized feed based on the provided request parameters.
📄️ Get Saved Posts
The getSavedPost() function is used to retrieve the posts saved by a specific user, including posts, users, topics, widgets, and reposted posts associated with the user.