📄️ Get Notification feed
The getNotificationFeed() function is used to retrieve the user activity feed, including details about notification items, associated users, topics, widgets, and an error message in case of failure.
📄️ Unread Notification count
The getUnreadNotificationCount() function is used to fetch the count of unread notifications. It takes no parameters and returns a GetUnreadNotificationCountResponse as a Future.
📄️ Mark Read Notification
The markReadNotification() function is used to mark a notification as read. It takes a MarkReadNotificationRequest as input and returns a MarkReadNotificationResponse as a Future.
📄️ User Activity
The getUserActivity() function is used to fetch the user activity. It takes a GetUserActivityRequest as input, which includes the user's UUID, page number, and page size. The function returns a GetUserActivityResponse as a Future.