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Get Feed Room

The getFeedRoom() function is used to retrieve information about feed rooms, including details about a specific feed room, a list of feed rooms, participant count, and an error message in case of failure.

Steps to Get Feed Room

  1. Build a GetFeedRoomRequest object using the GetFeedRoomRequestBuilder class.

  2. Call the getFeedRoom() function using the instance of the LMFeedClient class.

  3. Use the response as per your requirement.

     // Build the request object
    final GetFeedRoomRequest getFeedRoomRequest = (GetFeedRoomRequestBuilder()

    // Get the response from calling the function
    final GetFeedRoomResponse feedRoomResponse = await lmFeedClient.getFeedRoom(getFeedRoomRequest);

    // Process the response, as per requirement
    // your function to handle successful retrieval of feed room
    // your function to handle error message

Fetching feed room information allows you to access details about a specific feed room, a list of feed rooms, participant count, and an error message in case of failure.



List of parameters for the GetFeedRoomRequest class

pageintPage number for pagination
feedroomIdintID of the feed room (if applicable)


List of parameters for the GetFeedRoomResponse class

successboolAPI success status
chatroomFeedRoomDetails of the feed room (if applicable)
participantCountintNumber of participants in the feed room
errorMessageStringError message in case of failure
chatroomsList<FeedRoom>List of feed rooms (if applicable)