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Community Model

The Community class represents a community within the platform, encapsulating various attributes and settings. Below are the details of the Community model:


idintThe unique identifier of the community.
nameStringThe name of the community.
imageUrlStringThe URL of the community's image.
purposeStringThe purpose or goal of the community.
aboutStringDetailed information about the community.
membersCountintThe count of members in the community.
isMemberboolIndicates whether the user is a member of the community.
pendingMembersCountintThe count of pending member requests.
pendingChatRoomCountintThe count of pending chat room requests.
openReportsCountintThe count of open reports related to the community.
chatroomUnseenintThe count of unseen chat rooms in the community.
updatedAtintThe timestamp when the community was last updated.
isAdminboolIndicates whether the user is an administrator of the community.
stateintThe state of the community.
memberStateintThe state of the member within the community.
createdByStringThe user who created the community.
managedByStringThe user who manages the community.
dateStringThe date when the community was created.
typeintThe type of the community.
subTypeintThe subtype of the community.
clickStateintThe click state of the community.
chatroomCountintThe count of chat rooms in the community.
actionsList<dynamic>List of actions associated with the community.
newChatRoomUsersList<User>`List of new users added to chat rooms in the community.
chatRoomUsersList<User>List of users in chat rooms in the community.
memberRightStatesList<int>List of member right states in the community.
orderTimeintThe timestamp used for ordering within the community.
menuList<String>List of menu items associated with the community.
leaveCommunitydynamicAction to leave the community.
isPaidboolIndicates whether the community is a paid community.
autoApprovalboolIndicates whether new members are auto-approved.
gracePeriodintThe grace period for community-related actions.
isDiscoverableboolIndicates whether the community is discoverable.
websiteUrlStringThe URL of the community's website.
referralEnabledboolIndicates whether the referral feature is enabled for the community.
communitySettingRightsList<CommunitySettingsRights>List of community setting rights.
likeMindsPlanStringThe plan associated with the community.
isFreemiumCommunityboolIndicates whether the community is a freemium community.


The CommunitySettingsRights class represents the settings and rights associated with a community. It encapsulates various attributes that define the configuration and state of specific settings. Below are the details of the CommunitySettingsRights model:


idintThe unique identifier of the settings right.
stateintThe state of the settings right.
titleStringThe title of the settings right.
subtitleStringThe subtitle or additional information.
isLockedboolIndicates whether the settings are locked.
isSelectedboolIndicates whether the settings are selected.


The CommunityConfigurations class represents the configurations associated with a community. It encapsulates various attributes that define the description, type, and values of specific configurations. Below are the details of the CommunityConfigurations model:


descriptionStringThe description of the community configuration.
typeStringThe type of the community configuration.
valueMap<String, dynamic>The values associated with the configuration.