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Topic Model

The Topic class represents a topic within the community, capturing essential attributes such as the name, unique identifier, and its current enabled status. This model is crucial for managing and displaying community-specific topics. Below are the details of the Topic model:


nameStringThe name of the community topic.
idStringThe unique identifier of the community topic.
isEnabledboolIndicates whether the topic is enabled.
prioritydouble?The priority of the topic.Yes
parentIdString?The unique identifier of the parent topic.Yes
parentNameString?The name of the parent topic.Yes
levelint?The level of the topic in the hierarchy.Yes
isSearchablebool?Indicates if the topic is searchable.Yes
widgetIdString?The unique identifier of the widget.Yes
numberOfPostsint?The number of posts under this topic.Yes
totalChildCountint?The total number of child topics.Yes