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idnumberUnique identifier for the community.
namestringName of the community.
purposestringPurpose or description of the community.
imageUrlstringURL of the community's image or logo.
membersCountnumberNumber of members in the community.
typenumberType of community (e.g., public, private).
subTypenumberSubtype of the community, representing its specific category.
isPaidbooleanIndicates if the community requires payment for membership.
autoApprovalbooleanIndicates if new members are automatically approved.
gracePeriodnumberGrace period for payment-related actions within the community (if applicable).
isDiscoverablebooleanIndicates if the community is discoverable in searches.
referralEnabledbooleanIndicates if referral system is enabled for the community.
updatedAtnumberTimestamp for when the community was last updated.
feeMembershipnumberMembership fee for joining the community.
feeEventnumberFee for attending events hosted by the community.
feePaymentPagesnumberFee for accessing specific payment pages within the community.
isWhitelabelbooleanIndicates if the community uses white-label branding.
hideDmTabbooleanWhether the Direct Message tab is hidden in the community.
isFreemiumCommunitybooleanWhether the community follows a freemium model.
communitySettingRightsCommunitySettingRights[]List of setting rights associated with the community.


idnumberUnique identifier for the setting right.
titlestringTitle or description of the setting right.
statenumberCurrent state of the setting right (e.g., enabled, disabled).
isSelectedbooleanWhether this setting right is selected.
isLockedbooleanWhether this setting right is locked.