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customTitlestringCustom title for the user (e.g., a special designation within a community).
idnumberUnique identifier for the user.
imageUrlstringURL of the user's profile image.
isGuestbooleanIndicates if the user is a guest (not fully registered).
isOwnerbooleanIndicates if the user is the owner (of a community or content).✔️
namestringDisplay name of the user.
organisationNamestringName of the organization the user is associated with, if applicable.✔️
sdkClientInfoSdkClientInfoSDK client information for the user.
statenumberCurrent state or status of the user (e.g., active, inactive).✔️
updatedAtnumberTimestamp for when the user's information was last updated.✔️
userUniqueIdstringUnique identifier for the user across platforms.
uuidstringUniversally unique identifier (UUID) for the user.
isDeletedbooleanIndicates if the user account has been deleted.✔️


communitynumberID of the community associated with the SDK client.
usernumberID of the user associated with the SDK client.
userUniqueIdstringUnique identifier for the user in the context of the SDK client.
uuidstringUniversally unique identifier (UUID) for the SDK client.
widgetIdstringIdentifier for the widget associated with the SDK client.