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idstringUnique identifier for the reply.
commentsCountnumberNumber of comments associated with the reply.
communityIdnumberID of the community where the reply was posted.
createdAtnumberTimestamp when the reply was created.
isEditedbooleanWhether the reply has been edited.
isLikedbooleanWhether the reply is liked by the current user.
levelnumberThe level of the reply (e.g., direct reply or nested reply).
likesCountnumberNumber of likes on the reply.
menuItemsMenuItem[]Menu items available for actions related to the reply.
postIdstringID of the post to which this reply belongs.
repliesReply[]List of nested replies (if any).
tempIdstringTemporary identifier used during reply creation (before persisting).
textstringText content of the reply.
updatedAtnumberTimestamp when the reply was last updated.
userIdstringID of the user who posted the reply.
uuidstringUniversally unique identifier (UUID) of the reply.
parentCommentReplyParent comment to which this reply is associated (for nested replies).✔️