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idstringUnique identifier for the post.
attachmentsAttachment[]List of attachments associated with the post.
commentsCountnumberNumber of comments on the post.
communityIdnumberID of the community where the post was created.
createdAtnumberTimestamp when the post was created.
headingstringHeading or title of the post.
isEditedbooleanWhether the post has been edited.
isLikedbooleanWhether the post is liked by the current user.
isPinnedbooleanWhether the post is pinned in the community.
isRepostbooleanWhether the post is a repost of another post.
isRepostedByUserbooleanWhether the post has been reposted by the current user.
isSavedbooleanWhether the post is saved by the user.
likesCountnumberNumber of likes on the post.
menuItemsMenuItem[]Menu items available for actions on the post.
repostCountnumberNumber of reposts of the post.
tempIdnull or stringTemporary ID for the post used during creation (before persisting).✔️
textstringText content of the post.
topicsstring[]Topics or tags associated with the post.
updatedAtnumberTimestamp when the post was last updated.
userIdstringID of the user who created the post.
uuidstringUniversally unique identifier (UUID) for the post.
repliesReply[]List of replies to the post.✔️
commentIdsstring[]List of comment IDs associated with the post.✔️


attachmentMetaAttachmentMetaMetadata associated with the attachment.
attachmentTypenumberType of the attachment (e.g., image, video, etc.).

Attachment Meta

entityIdstringIdentifier for the entity related to the attachment.✔️
formatstringFormat of the attachment (e.g., image/jpeg, video/mp4).✔️
namestringName of the attachment.✔️
ogTagsOgTagOpen Graph tags associated with the attachment.✔️
sizenumberSize of the attachment in bytes.✔️
urlstringURL to access the attachment.✔️
durationnumberDuration of the attachment if it’s a video or audio file (in seconds).✔️
coverImageUrlstringURL of the cover image for the attachment (if applicable).✔️
titlestringTitle of the attachment (if it contains a document or media with title).✔️
bodystringBody or content description of the attachment.✔️
pollQuestionstringQuestion text if the attachment is a poll.✔️
expiryTimenumberExpiry timestamp for the poll.✔️
optionsstring[]List of options available for the poll.✔️
multipleSelectStatePollMultipleSelectStatePoll multiple select state (if it's a poll with multiple selections).✔️
pollTypePollTypeType of the poll.✔️
multipleSelectNumbernumberNumber of allowed selections in a multiple-select poll.✔️
isAnonymousbooleanWhether the poll is anonymous.✔️
allowAddOptionbooleanWhether users can add options to the poll.✔️
thumbnailUrlstringURL of the thumbnail for the attachment (if available).✔️
metaRecord<string, any> or nullAny additional metadata related to the attachment.✔️
pageCountnumberNumber of pages (if the attachment is a document).✔️


enum PollMultipleSelectState {
EXACTLY = "exactly",
AT_MAX = "at_max",
AT_LEAST = "at_least",


enum PollType {
INSTANT = "instant",
DEFERRED = "deferred",