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attachmentMetaAttachmentMetaMetadata associated with the attachment.
attachmentTypenumberType of the attachment (e.g., image, video, etc.).

Attachment Meta

entityIdstringIdentifier for the entity related to the attachment.✔️
formatstringFormat of the attachment (e.g., image/jpeg, video/mp4).✔️
namestringName of the attachment.✔️
ogTagsOgTagOpen Graph tags associated with the attachment.✔️
sizenumberSize of the attachment in bytes.✔️
urlstringURL to access the attachment.✔️
durationnumberDuration of the attachment if it’s a video or audio file (in seconds).✔️
coverImageUrlstringURL of the cover image for the attachment (if applicable).✔️
titlestringTitle of the attachment (if it contains a document or media with title).✔️
bodystringBody or content description of the attachment.✔️
pollQuestionstringQuestion text if the attachment is a poll.✔️
expiryTimenumberExpiry timestamp for the poll.✔️
optionsstring[]List of options available for the poll.✔️
multipleSelectStatePollMultipleSelectStatePoll multiple select state (if it's a poll with multiple selections).✔️
pollTypePollTypeType of the poll.✔️
multipleSelectNumbernumberNumber of allowed selections in a multiple-select poll.✔️
isAnonymousbooleanWhether the poll is anonymous.✔️
allowAddOptionbooleanWhether users can add options to the poll.✔️
thumbnailUrlstringURL of the thumbnail for the attachment (if available).✔️
metaRecord<string, any> or nullAny additional metadata related to the attachment.✔️
pageCountnumberNumber of pages (if the attachment is a document).✔️