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idstringUnique identifier for the activity.
actionnumberAction type associated with the activity.
actionBystring[]List of user IDs who performed the action.
actionOnstringTarget entity of the action (e.g., a post or comment).
activityEntityDataActivityEntityDataDetails of the entity related to the activity.
activityTextstringDescriptive text about the activity.
createdAtnumberTimestamp for when the activity was created.
ctastringCall to action associated with the activity.
entityIdstringID of the related entity.
entityOwnerIdstringID of the owner of the related entity.
entityTypenumberType of the entity (e.g., post, comment, etc.).
isReadbooleanWhether the activity has been marked as read.
updatedAtnumberTimestamp for the last update to the activity.
uuidstringUnique identifier for the activity (UUID format).

Activity Entity Data

idstringUnique identifier for the entity associated with the activity.
attachmentsAttachment[]List of attachments related to the activity.
commentIdsnullCurrently set to null, can represent a list of comment IDs in the future.✔️
commentsCountnumberTotal number of comments on the entity.
communityIdnumberID of the community where the activity occurred.
createdAtnumberTimestamp for when the entity was created.
deleteReasonstringReason for deletion, if applicable.✔️
deletedBystringID of the user who deleted the entity, if applicable.✔️
deletedByUuidstringUUID of the user who deleted the entity, if applicable.✔️
headingstringHeading or title of the entity.
isDeletedbooleanWhether the entity has been deleted.✔️
isEditedbooleanWhether the entity has been edited.
isLikedbooleanWhether the entity is liked by the user.
isPinnedbooleanWhether the entity is pinned.
isRepostbooleanWhether the entity is a repost.
isRepostedByUserbooleanWhether the entity has been reposted by the current user.
isSavedbooleanWhether the entity is saved by the user.
likesCountnumberNumber of likes on the entity.
menuItemsMenuItem[]Menu items available for the entity.
repostCountnumberNumber of reposts of the entity.
tempIdstringTemporary ID used for internal operations, can be null.✔️
textstringText content of the entity.
topicsstring[]Topics related to the entity.
updatedAtnumberTimestamp for when the entity was last updated.
userIdstringID of the user who created the entity.
uuidstringUUID of the entity.