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Widget Documentation: LMFeedPostActionVerticalView

Widget: LMFeedPostActionVerticalView

The LMFeedPostActionVerticalView is a customizable vertical action bar for posts, supporting actions like liking, commenting, sharing, and menu options with configurable styles and click listeners.

setStyle(postActionViewStyle: LMFeedPostActionViewStyle)Applies the given style to the post action view.
setLikesCount(likesCount: String)Sets the count of likes.
setCommentsCount(commentsCount: String)Sets the count of comments.
setLikesIcon(isLiked: Boolean = false)Configures the state of the "Like" icon.
setLikeIconClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the "Like" icon.
setLikesCountClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the likes count.
setCommentsCountClickListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the comments count.
setShareIconListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the "Share" icon.
setMenuIconListener(listener: LMFeedOnClickListener)Registers a click listener for the "Menu" icon.

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