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Profile Picture


The LMProfilePicture component is designed to display user profile pictures with customizable styling and behavior. It accepts properties such as fallbackTextStyle, size, and various styles for the profile picture itself. The component allows for a fallback option when the image fails to load, and it can trigger actions upon being tapped. This versatility makes it suitable for applications requiring user identification through profile images while maintaining a cohesive design across different interfaces.



  • onTap: Callback to handle tap events trigerred by on clicking of the profile picture.


fallbackTextLMTextPropsThis represents the text to show initials if image URL is not present✔️
imageUrlstringThis represents the URL of the image
sizenumberThis represents the circular size of the profile picture
onTapFunctionThis represents the functionality to execute on click on profile picture
fallbackTextBoxStyleViewStyleThis represents the initials view style which wraps the initials text
profilePictureStyleImageStyleThis represents the profile picture image style