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LMButton is a customizable button component that supports text and icon display, with options to define actions, style, placement, and active/inactive states. It also allows for different content when the button is active and includes flexibility in design and interaction.



  • onTap: Callback to handle tap events trigerred by on clicking on the button.


textLMTextPropsRepresents the text displayed on the button
iconLMIconPropsRepresents the icon displayed on the button
onTapFunctionFunctionality executed when the button is clicked✔️
placement'start' or 'end'Placement of the icon on the button
isActivebooleanRepresents the active/inactive state of the button
activeIconLMIconPropsIcon displayed when the button is in the active state
activeTextLMTextPropsText displayed when the button is in the active state
buttonStyleViewStyleStyle of the button
isClickablebooleanIndicates if the button is clickable or disabled