📄️ Create Post Anonymous Checkbox
The LMCreatePostAnonymousCheckbox component allows users to choose if they want to create a post anonymously. This checkbox is contextually aware and adapts based on the component's current state, such as post editing status and configuration settings.
📄️ Create Post Attachment Selection
The LMCreatePostAttachmentSelection component provides users with multiple options for adding attachments (photos, videos, files, and polls) to a new post. This component is highly customizable and integrates with CreatePostContext for managing various post creation options.
📄️ Create Post Header
The LMCreatePostHeader component provides the header section for the CreatePost screen. It includes a customizable back button, a title, and a "Post" button with conditional logic to handle post creation and editing scenarios.
📄️ Create Post Heading
The LMCreatePostHeading component is responsible for the heading section of the post creation screen. It allows users to input a heading for the post, displaying a character count and providing conditional rendering based on the isHeadingEnabled context.
📄️ Create Post Media
The LMCreatePostMedia component handles the media section of the post creation screen. It allows users to attach various media types (images, videos, documents, polls, and links) to their posts and provides functionality for previewing, managing, and removing attachments.
📄️ Create Post Text Input
The LMCreatePostTextInput component renders a customizable text input field where users can enter the content of their posts.
📄️ Create Post Topics
LMCreatePostTopics allows users to view and select topics for their post. The component dynamically updates based on the context values and selected topics from Redux state. It also integrates with an external API to fetch topics when necessary.
📄️ Create Post UI Render
LMCreatePostUIRender is a React component that renders the UI elements for creating or editing a post. It provides different UI layouts based on whether the post is in edit mode and whether post details are available. The component also displays a loader while waiting for post details.
📄️ Create Post User Tagging
LMCreatePostUserTagging is a React component used to display and handle user tagging functionality within a post creation screen. It allows users to tag other users by displaying a list of suggestions and updating the post content with tagged usernames.
📄️ Create Post User Profile
LMUserProfileSection is a React component designed to display the user's profile section within the context of creating or editing a post. It showcases the user's profile picture (or initials as a fallback) and the user's name, leveraging styles and data from the context.