📄️ Universal Feed Header
The LMUniversalFeedHeader component is designed to serve as the header of the Universal Feed screen. It displays the app's title and a notification bell icon, indicating any unread notifications with a badge. This component leverages contextual styling and behavior, enabling it to adapt to different themes and respond to user interactions.
📄️ Filter Topics
The LMFilterTopics component enables users to filter posts based on selected topics within the Universal Feed. This component displays a scrollable list of selected topics, allowing users to filter, add, or remove topics dynamically. It also includes a "Clear" button to reset topic filters and fetches all available topics from the server.
📄️ Post Upload Indicator
The LMPostUploadIndicator component provides a visual indicator while a post is uploading. It displays a loading spinner, a message, and an optional media preview to inform users about the ongoing upload status along with options to retry a failed attempt when uploading a post. This component is designed to be integrated within the Universal Feed.
📄️ Posts List View
📄️ Create Post Button
The LMCreatePostButton component provides an interface to initiate the creation of a new post in the feed. This button is customizable, supports dynamic styling, and integrates analytics for post creation tracking.