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Posts List View


The PostsList component is responsible for rendering a list of posts in a feed. It handles the display of individual post items and provides support for infinite scrolling, ensuring smooth loading of new content as the user navigates through the feed. The component integrates with post content, media, header, and footer, offering extensive customization options for styling and functionality.


UI Components

Data Variables


  • postLikeHandlerProp: Handles the action when a post is liked.
  • savePostHandlerProp: Handles the action when a post is saved or unsaved.
  • selectPinPostProp: Handles the action when a post is pinned or unpinned.

For information about more callbacks, click here.

Customization with Props

itemsArrayArray of mapped topics, typically containing topic details like id and name.
lmPostCustomFooterReact.ComponentCustom footer component displayed beneath each post, often used for features like Q&A or comments.
customWidgetPostViewReact.ComponentCustom view for widget-based posts, allowing specific widgets or layouts per post.

Each of these props offers flexibility for building more complex and dynamic feed layouts with tailored elements.

Customisation with Styles

The STYLES class allows you to customize the appearance of the LMPostContent. You can set the styles in postListStyle in STYLES.

headerLMFeedHeaderPropsCustomization for the header of the post.
footerLMFeedFooterPropsCustomization for the footer of the post.
postContentLMFeedPostContentPropsCustomization for the post content area.
mediaLMFeedMediaPropsCustomization for media like images, videos, and documents in the post.
noPostViewViewStyleStyling for the view when no post is available.
noPostTextTextStyleStyling for the text displayed when no post is available.
listStyleViewStyleStyling for the overall list view.

Usage Example


The PostsList screen can be used by wrapping it inside the UniversalFeed screen, and the selected topcis can be passed as a prop to this screen, so that filtered posts are displayed. The customised callbacks for PostsList screen are passed to UniversalFeed screen and are internally accessed by PostsList screen.

Step 1: Create Custom Screen and Wrapper

  • Create a FeedScreenWrapper file which will wrap the FeedScreen within the UniversalFeedContextProvider and PostListContextProvider so that the callbacks becomes accessible inside of the FeedScreen.
  • Create postListStyles for customisation and call the setPostListStyles to set the customisation.
import { PostsList, UniversalFeed, STYLES } from "";
import { useAppSelector } from "";

// here, mappedTopics are the selected topics according to which the posts will be shown
const mappedTopics = useAppSelector((state) => state.feed.mappedTopics);

export const SamplePostList = () => {
const { postLikeHandler, savePostHandler, handleEditPost } =

// customised postLikeHandler method
const customPostLike = (postId) => {
console.log("before like ");
console.log("after like", postId);
// customised savePostHandler method
const customPostSave = (postId, saved) => {
console.log("before save");
savePostHandler(postId, saved);
console.log("after save", postId, saved);
// customised handlePinPost method
const customHandlePin = (postId, pinned) => {
console.log("before pin select");
handlePinPost(postId, pinned);
console.log("after pin select", postId, pinned);

const postListStyles = {
header: {
profilePicture: {
size: 25,
fallbackTextBoxStyle: {
backgroundColor: "red",
showMemberStateLabel: true,

// universal feed screen customisation
if (postListStyles) {

return (
postLikeHandlerProp={(id) => customPostLike(id)}
savePostHandlerProp={(id, saved) => customPostSave(id, saved)}
selectPinPostProp={(id, pinned) => customHandlePin(id, pinned)}
<PostsList items={mappedTopics} />

Step 2: Add the Custom Screen in App.tsx

  • In your App.tsx, create a Stack.Navigatorin the NavigationContainer wrapped by LMOverlayProvider.
  • Add FeedWrapper as a Stack screen in your NavigationContainer.
import {
} from "";
import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native";
import { createNativeStackNavigator } from "@react-navigation/native-stack";
import { FeedWrapper } from "<<path_to_CustomisedUniversalFeed.tsx>>";

export const App = () => {
const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator();
return (
myClient={myClient} // pass in the LMFeedClient created
apiKey={apiKey} // pass in the API Key generated
userName={userName} // pass in the logged-in user's name
userUniqueId={userUniqueID} // pass in the logged-in user's uuid
<NavigationContainer ref={navigationRef} independent={true}>
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: true }}>
<Stack.Screen name={UNIVERSAL_FEED} component={FeedWrapper} />