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Post Footer


LMPostFooter is responsible for rendering the footer section of a post, including interactive elements like likes, comments, and shares, providing a way for users to engage with the post.



The STYLES class allows you to customize the appearance of the LMPostContent. You can set the styles in footer inside of postListStyle in STYLES.

showBookMarkIconbooleanDetermines whether to show the bookmark icon.
showShareIconbooleanDetermines whether to show the share icon.
saveButtonSaveButtonConfiguration for the save button.
shareButtonShareButtonConfiguration for the share button.
likeIconButtonLikeIconButtonConfiguration for the like icon button.
likeTextButtonLikeTextButtonConfiguration for the like text button.
commentButtonCommentButtonConfiguration for the comment button.
footerBoxStyleViewStyleStyle for the footer container.


textLMTextPropsText properties for the save button.
iconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the save button.
onTapFunctionCallback function triggered on tap.
placement"start" or "end"Determines icon text placement.
activeIconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the active state.
activeTextLMTextPropsText properties for the active state.
buttonStyleViewStyleStyle for the save button.
isClickablebooleanDetermines if the button is clickable.


textLMTextPropsText properties for the share button.
iconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the share button.
onTapFunctionCallback function triggered on tap.
placement"start" or "end"Determines icon text placement.
activeIconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the active state.
activeTextLMTextPropsText properties for the active state.
buttonStyleViewStyleStyle for the share button.
isClickablebooleanDetermines if the button is clickable.


iconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the like button.
activeIconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the active state.
onTapFunctionCallback function triggered on tap.
buttonStyleViewStyleStyle for the like button.
isClickablebooleanDetermines if the button is clickable.


textTextStyleStyle for the text in the like button.
onTapFunctionCallback function triggered on tap.
buttonStyleViewStyleStyle for the like text button.
isClickablebooleanDetermines if the button is clickable.


textTextStyleStyle for the text in the comment button.
iconLMIconPropsIcon properties for the comment button.
onTapFunctionCallback function triggered on tap.
placement"start" or "end"Determines icon text placement.
buttonStyleViewStyleStyle for the comment button.
isClickablebooleanDetermines if the button is clickable.