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Get Topics

The getTopics() function is used to fetch a list of topics, which can be utilized for creating posts or other interactions within the community.

Steps to Get Topics

  1. Build a GetTopicsRequest object using the GetTopicsRequestBuilder class.
  2. Call the getTopics() function using the instance of the LMFeedClient class.
  3. Use the response as per your requirement.

isEnabled key is nullable, if you want to fetch enabled topics send isEnabled = true. For disabled topics send isEnabled = false and to fetch all the existing topics send send isEnabled = null

 // Build the request object
GetTopicsRequest request = (GetTopicsRequestBuilder()

// Get the response from calling the function
final GetTopicsResponse response = await lmFeedClient.getTopics(request);

// Process the response, as per requirement
// your function to handle successful retrieval of topics
// your function to handle error message

Fetching topics is essential for creating posts and engaging with the community. You can use the retrieved topics to provide users with relevant content and discussions.



List of parameters for the GetTopicsRequest class

isEnabledboolFlag indicating whether topics are enabled
pageintPage number for pagination
pageSizeintNumber of items per page
searchStringSearch query for filtering topics
searchTypeStringType of search query


List of parameters for the GetTopicsResponse class

successboolAPI success status
errorMessageStringError message in case of failure
topicsList<Topic>List of topic models