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idString?Unique identifier of the member✔️
userUniqueIdString?Unique user ID✔️
nameString?Name of the member✔️
imageUrlString?URL of the member's profile image✔️
questionAnswers[Question]?List of questions and answers related to the member✔️
stateInt?State of the member (e.g., active, inactive)✔️
isGuestBoolIndicates if the member is a guest
customIntroTextString?Custom introductory text for the member✔️
customClickTextString?Custom clickable text for the member✔️
memberSinceString?Date the member joined✔️
communityNameString?Name of the community the member belongs to✔️
isOwnerBoolIndicates if the member is the owner of the community
isDeletedBool?Indicates if the member is deleted✔️
customTitleString?Custom title for the member✔️
menu[MemberAction]?List of actions available to the member✔️
communityIdString?ID of the community the member belongs to✔️
chatroomIdString?ID of the chatroom the member belongs to✔️
routeString?Route associated with the member✔️
attendingStatusBool?Attendance status of the member✔️
hasProfileImageBool?Indicates if the member has a profile image✔️
updatedAtInt?Timestamp of the last update for the member✔️
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfo?Information about the SDK client the member is using✔️
uuidString?Unique UUID of the member✔️


idString?Unique identifier of the user:heavy_check_mark
imageUrlString?URL of the user's profile image:heavy_check_mark
nameString?Name of the user:heavy_check_mark
organisationNameString?Name of the user's organization:heavy_check_mark
userUniqueIDString?Unique identifier for the user:heavy_check_mark
uuidString?UUID associated with the user:heavy_check_mark
isGuestBoolIndicates if the user is a guest
isDeletedBool?Indicates if the user is deleted:heavy_check_mark
isOwnerBool?Indicates if the user is the owner:heavy_check_mark
customTitleString?Custom title of the user:heavy_check_mark
stateInt?State of the user:heavy_check_mark
updatedAtInt?Last update timestamp for the user:heavy_check_mark
sdkClientInfoSDKClientInfo?SDK client information associated with the user:heavy_check_mark

Member Action

titleString?Title of the action✔️
routeString?Route associated with the action✔️

SDK Client Info

communityInt?The community ID✔️
userInt?The user ID✔️
userUniqueIDString?The unique ID of the user✔️
uuidString?The UUID associated with the user✔️


idInt?Unique identifier of the question:heavy_check_mark
questionTitleString?The title of the question:heavy_check_mark
stateInt?The state of the question:heavy_check_mark
valueString?The value/answer provided for the question:heavy_check_mark
optionalBool?Indicates if the question is optional:heavy_check_mark
helpTextString?Help text or additional context for the question:heavy_check_mark
fieldBool?Indicates if the question is a field-type question:heavy_check_mark
isCompulsoryBool?Indicates if the question is compulsory:heavy_check_mark
isHiddenBool?Indicates if the question is hidden:heavy_check_mark
communityIdString?ID of the community the question is associated with:heavy_check_mark
memberIdString?ID of the member associated with the question:heavy_check_mark
directoryFieldsBool?Indicates if the question belongs to directory fields:heavy_check_mark
imageUrlString?URL of the question's image:heavy_check_mark
canAddOtherOptionsBool?Indicates if other options can be added to the question:heavy_check_mark
questionChangeStateInt?State indicating if the question has been changed:heavy_check_mark
isAnswerEditableBool?Indicates if the answer is editable:heavy_check_mark