📄️ Get Chatroom
Fetches detailed information about a specific chatroom using the provided chatroom ID. The response includes details such as chatroom metadata, participants, and permissions.
📄️ Chatroom Actions
Retrieves the list of available actions for a specific chatroom. These actions include muting, following, viewing participants, and more. The response includes the list of actions that can be performed within the chatroom, participant count, and additional details.
📄️ Mark Read
Marks a specific chatroom as read. This function is used to clear the unread count for a chatroom by marking all messages in the chatroom as read.
📄️ Mute/Unmute Chatroom
Mutes or unmutes notifications for a specific chatroom. This function allows users to toggle the mute status of a chatroom.
🗃️ Group Chat
4 items
🗃️ Direct Message
3 items