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Get Chatroom

Fetches detailed information about a specific chatroom using the provided chatroom ID. The response includes details such as chatroom metadata, participants, and permissions.

Steps to get chatroom details

  1. Create a GetChatroomRequest object using the builder pattern.
  2. Call the getChatroom() function using the instance of LMChatClient, passing the request object.
  3. Process the response LMResponse<GetChatroomResponse> to handle the chatroom details or any errors.
// Create a request to fetch chatroom details
let request = GetChatroomRequest.builder()

// Fetch chatroom details using LMChatClient
if let response = LMChatClient.shared.getChatroom(request: request) {
if let chatroomDetails = {
// Handle success
print("Chatroom name: \(")
print("Participant count: \(chatroomDetails.participantCount)")
} else if let error = response.error {
// Handle error
print("Error fetching chatroom: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Failed to initialize request.")



Represents the request model used to fetch chatroom details.

chatroomIdStringID of the chatroom to retrieve


Represents the response model containing chatroom details.

idStringUnique identifier of the chatroom
nameStringName of the chatroom
participantCountIntNumber of participants in the chatroom
isMutedBoolIndicates if the chatroom is muted for the user
permissionsChatroomPermissionList of user permissions in the chatroom


Describes the permissions a user has within the chatroom.

typeStringType of permission available in the chatroom
allowedBoolWhether the user has this permission