User tagged | A member is tagged in a chat room | Chatroom | User Tagged | user tagged you! chatroom name : message_text | Relevant chat room |
User Reacted | A member reacts on a message | Chatroom | User Reacted | user reacted on your message with reaction | Relevant chat room |
Response in followed chatroom | A user chats in a followed chat room | Chatroom | User Responded | chatroom_name
user : message_text | Relevant chat room |
A chat room pinned by the CM | A chat room has been pinned on the community feed by a CM | Chatroom | Chatroom pinned by CM | Chat room pinned! Your community manager cm_first_name has just pinned chat_room_title on everyone’s feed. | Chat room opened |
Topic in a chat room updated | A chat room has been updated by either the CM or the chat room creator | Chatroom | Topic updated | Topic updated! The topic of your followed chat room chatroom_name has just been updated. | Chat room opened with the current topic visible |
Secret Chat room (member) | Secret chat room created | Chatroom | Member added to secret chatroom | Title: community_name You have been added to chatroom_name | Relevant chat room |
Secret Chat room (member) | Member removed from secret chat room | Chatroom | Member Removed | Title: community_name You have been removed from chatroom_name | Relevant chat room |
Secret Chat room (Community Manager) | Secret chat room created | Chatroom | Secret Chatroom Created | Title: community_name user created a secret chat room | Relevant chat room |
Micro Poll | When Micro poll is posted | Chatroom | Micro poll created | Title: Time to vote! Message: user started a poll in chatroom_room_name in community_name . | CTAs: Vote (Opens poll room), Follow (Follows the chatroom and open the poll room) |