📄️ Get DM Chatrooms
Retrieves DM chatrooms and provides real-time updates using a Realm observer. This function allows users to fetch chatrooms and stay updated on any changes to the chatroom list.
📄️ Check DM Limit
Checks the direct message (DM) limit for a user. This function allows you to verify if a user has exceeded their DM limit and retrieve information about their current DM limitations.
📄️ Check DM Status
The LikeMinds iOS SDK provides functionality to check the status of a direct message (DM). This guide outlines how to use the CheckDMStatusRequest and CheckDMStatusResponse classes to verify whether a DM is available and retrieve related metadata.
📄️ Check DM Tab
Checks the direct message (DM) tab for the user and retrieves relevant information, such as the status of conversations or pending messages.